This is not the main Asakusa Temple and it was forbidden to enter.
Personally, I am more comfortable at there than at church, because I think the temples in SG are somehow similar to it.
P.S. I am a half free-thinker...hohoho
This is the main temple, where the people pray. You need to toss coins into the big tray in front and say your prayers.
This is a pot of ashes and rumors said that it will improve your face complexion after applying the ashes on. Ooooo....O.o
But I didn't try. =P (siao)
Oh, did you see that man walking with his dog?? This is a familiar scene all over Tokyo and Osaka. Even on the train, regardless of female or male, they carry a small bag with the little doggies cute!!!
(Japanese like cute things, even dogs they rear also cute???!!!)
On our way out of the temple, we spotted this. Interesting.
I wonder what does it symbolizes??
that is a giant grass-made slipper. People where this in the past.
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