Sunday, August 17, 2008

Olympics 2008 - Table Tennis Team Woman

I had just finished watching the live broadcast of the Table Tennis Team Woman Final match. It was impressive. It was China against Singapore. After 48 years, Singapore was about to get her 2nd gold medal in the Olympics history but China was ONE that stood in her way to victory. Singapore Team already did their best, in getting a silver. \(>o<)/ Congrats!!!

Frankly speaking, I don't really follow closely on the Olympics 2008, except for the impressive grand opening and the earlier live broadcast match. It was always my brother who told me alot about sports when we watched together. Therefore, I was really shocked when I saw Wang Nan playing in the first game tonight!!! O_O!!! Since years ago, I had heard and been told that Wang Nan was ranked No.1 (2001 - 2002) in the Woman Table Tennis Game, although her ranking had dropped now. Zhang Yining replaced her as the world's No. 1 ranking. After watching her (Zhang Yining) playing tonight, I had to say she is worth that.

It always makes me excited when I heard about all the top ranking Athletes (regardless of their nationality), envied of their talents and admired their efforts and hardship in achieving what they are now.

" You rear what you sow" Once, my primary school teacher used to say that and since then, I always believe in it, making myself to believe in it, even though I will lose my faith when I have fallen.

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